Gravity Bulb.....!!!!!

Deciwatt, which is a part of the design company, Therefore in London, UK has developed a technology that will revolutionise the way light bulbs work. Called GravityLight, the project which was co-invented by Martin Riddiford and Jim Reeves, manufactures light bulbs that are powered by gravity. Wondering how it works? Well, as a part of this technique, a sack of sand is used to gradually pull a piece of rope through a dynamo mechanism that generated electricity, which ultimately powers the LEDs (Light Emitting Diodes). This is not it! The most startling fact of this technique is that a total of three-second pull on this rope can keep the LED bulb running for up to 30 minutes. Such applications are viable for countries that do not have a stable and reliable electricity access. The team of the project shares that this project will distribute light bulbs for free to billions of poor people who currently rely on biomass fuels like kerosene, which can be really hazardous to health....