Largest DDOS Attack in History @ 300Gbps

DDoS attack against Spamhaus was reportedly the largest in history A DDOS (distributed denial-of-service) attack of unprecedented scale that targeted an international spam-fighting organization last week ended up causing problems for Internet users around the world, experts say. The DDoS attack started more than a week ago and targeted the Spamhaus Project, an organization based in Geneva, Switzerland, and London that maintains databases of IP (Internet Protocol) addresses, domain names, and other Internet resources involved in spam, malware, and other abusive online activities. Spamhaus publishes the data in the form of block lists that are used by Internet and email service providers, corporations, universities and governments around the world to filter Internet traffic on their networks and servers. In order to keep its services and website online Spamhaus enlisted the help of a San Francisco-based company called CloudFlare that runs a global content delivery...