Six fundamental steps to improving mobile workforce security

1) Understand how mobile devices are used
Companies must recognize that mobile devices represent a highly valued, real time, ‘always on’ means of connecting. Understanding how devices are being used and what data they can access are the fundamental first steps to improving mobile security. This helps to avoid over-securing devices or applying the same controls for a mobile device as you would for a laptop.

2) Deepen your knowledge of mobile
Embracing the opportunities of mobile simply requires knowledge and small changes rather than trans-formative innovation. Deepening your understanding of the benefits mobile has to offer stands to benefit your business.

3) Exploit key features to the full
Being aware of every aspect of mobile technology allows companies to exploit relevant features, such as the location function.  You can put limits on what people can access outside of the office via the location settings on your employee’s devices. You wouldn't permit printed versions of highly confidential papers to be read in a public coffee shop, so why not have the same controls in place when someone accesses confidential data using their mobile?

4) Manage the blurring of personal and business activities
Developing a fuller understanding of the extent to which personal and professional activities blur through mobile devices, and the consequences this produces.

5) Ensure security is seen as an enabler
Creating a sense of confidence that having the right mobile security in place enables the business to move more quickly than normal – viewed in this light, mobile acts as an enabler, rather than holding the business back.

6) Motivating employees
Providing people with controlled access to the information they need, when they need it, will motivate your employees and help to improve their performance.


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