How to hack your xbox 360 completely

So you want to hack your 360.
Have no idea where to start?

This thread should give you a general idea on what you can do with your 360.

Lets get started.
First of all you'll need to determine the age of your console.
This will give you a general idea of what hack you can apply.

On the back of the 360 there is a sticker near the AV port (Phat*&Slim*)
On that you'll find the MFR date as well as the Console Serial and Product ID.

Determining the age of the 360


You'll need to write down your MFR date.
This will roughly tell you what board you have in your 360.

Xenon: 2005 - 2007 203w power supply, can be JTAGged and RGH'd (14699 only) & R-JTAGged.
Zephyr: 2007 - 2008 203w power supply, can be JTAGged and RGH'd (Hard to achieve) & R-JTAGged.
Opus: Only from RRoD Repairs from MS (rare revisions) 203/175w power supply, can be JTAGged and RGH'd & R-JTAGged.
Falcon: 2007 - 2009 175w power supply, can be JTAGged and RGH'd & R-JTAGged.
Jasper: 2008 - 2010 150w power supply, can be JTAGged and RGH'd & R-JTAGged .
Trinity: 2010 - 2011 135w power supply, can be RGH'd
Corona: 2011 - on going 115w power supply, can be RGH'd

Currently there are 6 versions of the Corona.
The following guide will tell you what type of Corona you have (you will need to disassemble your 360 for this)
If you have a Redesigned Slim then you have a Corona v5 (250GB) or v6 (4GB)
Corona: 2013 - on going 115w power supply, can be RGH'd.
Next up, Determining your Kernel + Dashboard.


Blades dash 1888 - 6717 

Dashboard 1888 is the first dashboard ever released, it's very unlikely you'll have this dash installed (unless you have a launchday console still in it's plastic wrapper)
Dashboard 2241 was directly available on the 360's launchday so as soon as you've connected it to XBLive you would have received an update notice.
Dashboard 4532 and 4548 are vulnerable to the KingKong Exploit, chances of you having a 360 with such a low dashboard are astronomically low.
Dashboard 7371 and lower are vulnerable to the JTAG hack, if you wish to JTAG it then DO NOT UPDATE IT!
Dashboard 14699 and lower are vulnerable to the RGH* hack
Dashboard 14717, 14719 are vulnerable to the RGH2, this method uses the Slim style hack.
Dashboard 15572 and above are hackable with the newly released ECC files.
They use the same method as the RGH2 or the R-JTAG chip (for Phatties)
The CR4 XL is the preffered chip for these dashboards.
I STILL ADVISE YOU TO NOT UPDATE TO ANY DASH AFTER 14717 IF YOU WANT TO GLITCH YOUR 360, it's cheaper and RGH1 (for dashes below 14717) has far better boot times.

And finally, Visually determining your DVD drive.




After the visual inspection you'll roughly know what you're up against.
Xenon/Zephyr boards usually have a Sammy/Hitachi
Some have a Benq (mine did)
Falcons usually have either a Benq or Liteon.
Jaspers pretty much only have a Liteon in it.
Slims are mostly Liteon ones, Hitachi drives are pretty rare.
Early slims have a Liteon for sure, late slims can have both (Liteon 1214,1532 are both quite rare as of the time of writing)

Hitachi FW*: 32, 36, 40, 46, 47, 58, 59. 78 and 79
Samsung FW: MS24, MS25
BenQ FW: 62430C, 64930C
Liteon FW: 74850C, 83850Cv1, 83850Cv2, 93450C

Liteon FW: 9504/0272, 0225, 0401, 1071, 1175, 1214 and 1532 (1532 are always in the redesigned Slim)
Hitachi FW: 0500, 0502

DVD flashing.


This type of hack is most conventional for most people.
In short:
You flash your DVD drive with a custom firmware.
This will allow you to play back upped games from a DVD.

Currently all Phat 360's are hackable.
Most of the older ones can be dumped without a PMT (Probe 3)
Liteons need a Probe 3 to retrieve the DVD key from.
Slim 360's are hackable but require either a replacement PCB (expensive), a small hardware hack or a risky hack that involves drilling into the controller chip.
All Slim 360 drives can be "flashed"
LTU 1.2 has been released which is a firmware designed for all Slim drives (for use with a replacement PCB only)

If you do flash your DVD drive, you'll want to burn your XGD3 games (8.5 GB backups) with an Liteon iHAS drive.
This eBay seller has those drives for a cheap price.

I'm keeping it rather simple and short since Jungleflasher comes with a complete manual.
I'm using a Liteon 9x from a Phat as an example.

First things first you'll need to get a X360USBPro and a CK3i or a X360 USBPro v2 + a Probe 3 for connecting the drive to the Powersource.
(VIA SATA cards also work as well as some SATA chipsets but for the sake of simplicity I'll go with the above)

Once you have the hardware you'll have to disassemble your 360.
Connect your DVD drive to the X360 USBPro and CK3i and start Jungleflasher.
Grab your DVD key by going to the DVDKey 32 tab, make sure you've set the correct IO port and hit PhatKey.
Press the switch on the probe and then probe MPX01 on your DVD PCB and release the switch to extract your DVD key.
Then if everything went alright, Jungleflasher should pop up a message which lets you save your DVD drive firmware.

This small firmware file contains your DVD keys and is pretty much the second holy grail of your 360 (first being the CPU key) SO SAVE IT TWICE!
Use this small FW file to build a CFW for your drive on the Firmwaretool 32 tab.
Load your firmware as Source and LT+ 3.0 as the Target.
Click on Spoof source to target and ensure both DVD keys correspond with each other.

To flash it, head to MTKFlash 32.
Click on Liteon Erase to send the Erase command to your drive.
Then powercycle your drive by switching the CK3i on and off quickly.
Then if all went well your drive should return with Status 0x72.
Now proceed to click on the Write button.
Once this has completed click on Outro/ATA reset.
If everything goes well your drive should now contain LT+ 3.0 and you can reassemble your 360 and enjoy your backups.

I advise you to read the Jungleflasher manual for further help.
I can't possibly shorten everything in there and post it here.



This is pretty much the same as DVD flashing but it has a few advantages.
You can use an external HDD to store your game ISO's on.
It also allows you to play mulleted xbox 1 games*.

However this requires you to purchase some hardware.
Currently all Phat 360's are emulated.
Pretty much every Slim 360 is emulated for it but some drives require extra steps.
Liteon 1175 and Hitachi 0500/0502 both need you to RGH your 360 to obtain your CPU key + FCRT.bin in order to emulate the drive.

Installing an ODDE is pretty straight forward.
You'll have to dump your DVD key so refer to the flashing section to dump your key.
Some DVD drives can't be dumped and need the CPU key + FCRT.bin from the NAND so those will need to refer to the RGH section.

Phat DVD dumps:
DVD dumps from Phat needs to be "converted" to firmware.bin.
Load your DVD dump as source in Jungleflasher and load a stock firmware as the target.
Spoof the keys and save your target firmware.
Name it "firmware.bin" and save it to your microSD.

Slim DVD dumps:
DVD dumps from the slim don't need conversion of any kind.
Just dump the DVD FW and save it as dummy.bin on your microSD.

Installing the ODDE itself (I will take an Xkey as an example)
You'll need to disassemble your 360 completely.
Disconnect your DVD drive from the Mobo and connect the Xkey PCB to the Mobo.
Now connect the cables from the Xkey to the DVD drive.
They should connect like this
Once that is all done then feed the flatcable through the chassis near the Ethernet port.
Connect it to the small USB adapter thingy with the blue tab to the outside of the console.

Once it's all seated together, reassemble your 360 and boot it.
Wait for the Xkey firmware to be updated and shut it down.
Then connect your HDD with your backups to the Xkey.
It can take a while for the HDD to be fully recognized (depening on the amount of games you have on it)
Games should be in a folder called GAMES on the root of the HDD.
Along with the xkey.cfg, which holds your Xkey settings.

ISOMenu is a small feature that exploits the picture viewer/MP3 player in the 360's dash.
You can select a game by pressing the Guide button and going to picture viewer.
Go to the game you want and select the map.
Once a white image appears and says: Press Eject to play (something silimar) then continue pressing B until you're back on the main dash.
Press Eject on the DVD drive tab and wait for the game to be loaded.



This one is sweet for people with REALLY old 360's or people that just recovered a old one from RRoD.
You can basically play every game you want.
Xbox 360, Xbox 1, XBLArcade and XBLindie (as of Dashlaunch 3.0) as well as run Linux distro's and homebrew.
However you cannot connect to XBLive ever!
If you want to JTAG your 360 then you'll have to make sure it's on Dashboard 2.0.7371.0 OR LOWER.
Any dashboard above will not work and you'll need to refer to the RGH.

Added to a JTAG you'll probably want to prevent it from dieing quickly so setting the fans to a minimum of 75-80% in FSD*



This is pretty much the same as the JTAG.
However it has some differences.

First of all this hack is achieved with a special modchip that glitches the 360's boot process.
Then once it's "glitched" you can do everything a JTAG can do.
You can optionally also install a couple of switches and set up a so called Dual NAND.
This will allow you to retain your Live enabled state of the 360.

If you want to RGH your 360 then you'll have to know your dashboard first.
If you're on 14699 and below on Phats then you can use RGH1 (RGH1 is much more stable and quicker on boot then RGH2)
If you're on 14717 or above then you'll have to resort to RGH2.
Dashes 15xxx and above use a new set of timing files but they still use the wiring of RGH2.

Xboxes that are great to glitch: Opus, Falcon, Jasper/Kronos, Trinity, Corona/Corona V2.
Xboxes that also work are Xenons (14699 only) and Zephyrs, but their a pain to glitch and some don't glitch at all.
Corona V2 needs a special method of dumping the 4GB NAND.
You can dump it partially (48 MB iirc) or the full 3.8 GB.
The full 3.8 GB is rather slow but if you want to do it right the first time then dump the full 4GB.

Currently the same rules apply to both JTAG and RGH machines regarding XBLive and the fans.

RGHing your 360 comes with a few extra steps.
First of all, determine what RGH type you'll need to use by your Dash version.

RGH1 is used for Phats with a dashboard equal or lower then 14699.
RGH1 uses only a few wires and is faster then RGH2.

This hack is designed for the Slim, but is also used on 14717/14719 and 15572+ Phatty 360's.

This method is only used to retrieve CPU keys from Slim consoles that have been updated to 15572 or higher.
If you want to glitch your box with this other then rescuing DVD keys then I advice you to convert it into a RGX.
*This one is outdated, I will write some info over it but pay no attention to this*

This a newly released hack.
Users which have a DGX can convert their DGX to the RGX with a couple of caps/wires.
More info is coming soon on this.
*this one is outdated, I will write some info over it but pay no attention to this*
After that you'll need to dump your NAND.
You can do that with a NAND-X/JRunner programmer or an SD based NAND dumper for Corona's

R-JTAG *coming soon*
R-JTAG is a new hack developed by TX that's similar to the RGH, however with boottimes comparable to the JTAG/Falcon RGH (instaboot)​
It's basically the same as the RGH but this is only for Phatties.​
This one is especially sweet for people that have a hard to boot Falcon/Zephyr or are experiencing extremely long boottimes on their RGH2 consoles and people with Xenons.​

New chip for slims & phats?
Team Xecuter has announced that they are replacing the CR3 and R-JTAG all together in favor for a newer chip.​
I'll add more info about it when it's released.​
By the time it's released I'll also completely rewrite this entire guide.​
KingKong exploit *This is purely for legacy purposes*

So, you have a 360 with Kernel 4548 or lower and wish to do this in order to boot Linux.

Kernel 4548 or update to 4548 found here (link will be added soon)
Peter Jacksons King Kong the video game.
Flashed DVD drive.

The KingKong exploit can technically been seen as a "softmod" type of exploit.
But it needs a flashed DVD drive which is in itself isn't really achieved with software.

So in short:
There is no real softmod and there will much likely never be one for the 360, so you're out of luck for that.
It's pretty much all hardware based (flashing can with luck be achieved with software only, provided you have the correct SATA chipset)
You can hack both Phat, Slim and redesigned Slim 360's with all of the above regardless of your Dash version.

If you ONLY want to play games and have XBLive access, then I'd suggest you get an ODDE or flash your drive.
A RGH can be used for Live but you'll need to invest in some expensive hardware.
Besides it's extremely risky if you accidentally boot homebrew/FSD/XeXMenu, your console+profile will get banned from live if they detect you!
You cannot play XBLA/XBLIndie/DLC or use Avatar items downloaded from the web on a retail 360, if it's not released on disc then you're only able to boot that stuff on hardware hacked consoles!

Explanation of some of the words.
Mulleted xbox 1 games - This is a special method to convert normal Xbox 1 games to 7.4 GB ISO images playable on flashed/ODDE consoles.
ODDE - Optical Disc Drive Emulator, This is a small piece of hardware that emulates the 360's DVD drive.
KV - This is your KeyVault, it holds all the data of the 360 such as your DVD Key, CPU Key and various other data regarding your consoles region and settings.
RGH - Reset Glitch hack
FSD - This is FreeStyle Dash, a neat little replacement dash that resembles the old NXE* from Microsoft.
It has a lot to offer.
NXE - This is the second dashboard from MS, (dashboards 7357 to 9199)
MS - Microsoft.
Phat - Original Xbox 360.
Slim - Second 360 version.
E slim- Third 360 version.
#hack #xbox 360 #gaming #microsoft #gesture controlling #motion sensing #microsoft #infizeal


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  23. Cool way to have financial freedom!!! Are you tired of living a poor life, here is the opportunity you have been waiting for. Get the new ATM BLANK CARD that can hack any ATM MACHINE and withdraw money from any account. You do not require anybody’s account number before you can use it. Although you and I knows that its illegal,there is no risk using it. It has SPECIAL FEATURES, that makes the machine unable to detect this very card,and its transaction can’t be traced .You can use it anywhere in the world. With this card,you can withdraw nothing less than $4,500 a day. So to get the card,reach the hackers via email address : or whatsapp him on +1(323)-723-2568

  24. Do you need to increase your credit score?
    Do you intend to upgrade your school grade?
    Do you want to hack your cheating spouse Email, whatsapp, Facebook, instagram or any social network?
    Do you need any information concerning any database.
    Do you need to retrieve deleted files?
    Do you need to clear your criminal records or DMV?
    Do you want to remove any site or link from any blog?
    you should contact this hacker, he is reliable and good at the hack jobs..
    contact : cybergoldenhacker at gmail dot com

  25. I love working with reliable hackers cause whenever I work with one I get the best. All thanks to

  26. Testimony on how i received my programmed blank atm card to withdraw a maximum of $5,000 daily.

    I would without reservation recommend working with ATM GENIUS LINKS, My Name is Joseph Eric. Programmed Blank Atm Card is no longer a news or a new trend I've been reluctant in purchasing this blank Atm Card all because of what i heard about it online everything seems too good to be true, But i was convinced & shocked when my friend at my place of work got a Programmed Blank Atm Card from ATM GENIUS LINKS & today we both confirmed it really works, without delay i gave it a go. Ever since then I've been able to make a with-drawer of $5,000 daily from the Programmed Atm Card. I'm so excited that ever since i ordered & paid for delivery of the Programmed Atm Card, I didn't get scammed & now i have been able to arrange my life with this Programmed Atm Card, I own a House & a business now kindly contact them today for more inquiries and enlightenment via E-mail: or WhatsApp +1-781-656-7138.

    Your Satisfaction is there Aim and your working with them will be of a good experience, kindly contact them today for more inquiries and enlightenment via E-mail: or WhatsApp +1-781-656-7138.

  27. I got the 609 credit repair program from Arstrong Cyber Service about 15 months ago. He got rid of 4 out 5 charge offs after 3 rounds of letters. My credit score went from 578 to 725 and will go up more from now on. Thanks brother for not only helping me fix my credit and peace of mind but, educating me on how credit scores work and how to keep it top notch. You are the man. Best $200 I ever spent. If you need to delete blemishes from your credit report or increase your credit score , Write the email address i'll be leaving below, telling him of your credit service needs, you'll be glad you did so,especially if you've had eviction blemishes and collections wiped off your report. His contact contact details:+12899600524 email Cell Number

  28. re you searching for a HACKER for HIRE?
    The solution to all hacking jobs is right here.
    Are you looking for 100% services in terms of CREDIT SCORE increase,
    ACCESS TO YOUR PARTNER'S INFO or wiping CRIMINAL RECORDS. Go ahead & contact
    BESTAPPSHACKERS@GMAIL.COM OR TEXT HIM ON WHATSAPP +1(602)-609-4730 for all jobs and efficient delivery of services is guaranteed

  29. Excellent and professional investigative services. I hired Mr Arstrong for a very private and difficult matter of hacking my wife's phone and he far exceeded my expectations. He helped me get some info such as whatsapp, facebook, text messages, call logs and even phone conversations that I needed for proof of her secretive affair. The first time we spoke, we had a very long phone consultation in which he gave me all my options that he could think of to resolve my case, and he even recommended I try other options before hiring him, which shows that he is honest. I decided to hire him and I am glad I did. He is a fantastic investigator and a great person; to all loyal partners out there if you have a dishonest partner don't hesitate to send him a mail Whatsapp: whatsapp +12899600524 or email:

  30. I brought my sister to come stay with me and my family little did i know that my sister has been sleeping with my husband to the point of getting my sister pregnant but my sister refused telling me who was responsible she kept on hiding it till i contacted to help me hack my sister phone to see if i could get any information's from her phone. when this hacker brought the results i went through my sister phone and i read all the messages she sent to my husband telling him that she was pregnant for him and even sent him the pregnancy results she got from the hospital after seeing all of this i was depressed but am happy i could get all of this from a reliable hacker. thanks to you whatsapp him +12899600524 Cell Number:

  31. I'm making credit cards payments that are 10-15% over the minimum, obviously to shorten the time it takes to pay off my debts. To me that would be an indicator that I am being responsible and making an effort to keep my good credit. But what this article is telling me is that the credit cards companies see me as an 86% higher risk of defaulting than someone who makes only the minimum payment each month. I don't see how that makes any sense whatsoever. If I'm missing something here, I'm open to a better explanation because what I'm reading doesn't defies any logic. So i finally read about private service on Facebook through the help of my family and i found out people talking about DARKWEB and its service.I gave him a try and he clear all the debts first and i was still surprise still he finally increased my credit score to 750 across the 3 credit bureaus and i got 820 credit score by (darkwebcyberservice AT gmail DOT com). Please guys no doubting let keep getting our credit done always with the right repairer not wasting our time with some credit cards company.Or text him via +1702 907 1140

  32. CONTACT US FOR ALL KINDS OF HACKING JOB @ GLENFTHOMAS@GMAIL.COM We offer professional hacking services , we offer the following services;
    -University grades changing
    -Bank accounts hack
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    -Databases hack
    -Word Press Blogs hack
    -Individual computers hack
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    -Burner Numbers hack
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    Contact us at GLENFTHOMAS@GMAIL.COM or text or call +1-917-809-8609 for more inquiry..
    Track Calls log and Spy Call Recording.
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    DCLeaks was created in June, 2016. It consists of a group of GREY HAT HACKERS and is an affiliate to Russian based hacking organisations such as Evil Corp and Fancy Bears. We have our interest focused on fighting online scam and exposing cheating/corrupt individuals through the efforts of our qualified Hackers who are recruited and registered. We do this by making sure that our clients get the best services on a basis of PAYMENT AFTER JOB SERVICE✔️. You can test run and make sure that the job is done before payment is made.
    Our Customer service is 100% guaranteed as we have received over 5,000 TESTIMONIES from all over the world and we offer one of the best Hacking services in the world.🌎

    Other services that we offer are listed below:
    ◾️Social media account
    hack (Facebook, Instagram, Twitter, Snap chat etc).✔️
    ◾️Recovery of Lost Funds to Scammers (Binaryoptions scam, bitcoin scam and romance scam).💵💰✔️
    ◾️Android and iPhone hack.📱✔️
    ◾️Cryptocurrency wallet repairs✔️
    ◾️Data base hack.💻✔️
    ◾️Credit card debt clearing.💳✔️
    ◾️Credit score upgrade.✔️
    ◾️E-mail hack.📬✔️
    ◾️Website hack.📡✔️
    ◾️Other Computer hacking related Jobs.
    Your Satisfaction is our Pride!
    For more information about DCLeaks Inc, check DCLeaks (Wikipedia).


    DCLeaks Inc.
    Terms and Conditions apply.
    Copyright©️2020. All rights reserved.

  34. Long distance relationships kill so quickly but all thanks to a wonderful hacker who never disappoints in a situation like this. My boyfriend traveled for a while and ever since he left he changed towards me, I don't get his calls often like before and also he leaves  all my messages unread. I was becoming so frustrated till i found solutions and that big solution was With this hacker I broke into my boyfriend's phone and I was able to see the reasons he changed towards me. Never trust a long distance relationship because a lot of cheating will be involved which you will never get to find out. That is why I advise if you are in a long distance relationship you need to keep a close watch on your partner to avoid sudden heart breaks. i feel blessed coming in contact with you because you made it so easy for me to catch my cheating boyfriend red handed.


  35. Lord i thank you for blessing me with a hacker like i never expected getting the best. Lord am grateful and also big shout out to

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  37. I needed call history of my boy friend and a glad i got it without getting caught with the help of

  38. With i got access to my husband old secret messenger account and i really feel happy because a lot of hackers whom i contacted in the past could not do this for me but my first encounter with i had everything solved 

  39. GET RICH WITH BLANK ATM CARD ... Whatsapp: +18033921735

    I want to testify about Dark Web blank atm cards which can withdraw money from any atm machines around the world. I was very poor before and have no job. I saw so many testimony about how Dark Web hackers send them the atm blank card and use it to collect money in any atm machine and become rich. ( ) I email them also and they sent me the blank atm card. I have use it to get 90,000 dollars. withdraw the maximum of 5,000 USD daily. Dark Web is giving out the card just to help the poor. Hack and take money directly from any atm machine vault with the use of atm programmed card which runs in automatic mode.

    Text & Call or WhatsApp: +18033921735

  40. I don't think i can trust any hacker apart from, thank you for being the best to me

  41. Most times I ask myself if it is a crime to love? because all I get in return is a broken heart. You claim you love me but when you get calls you ignore your calls when ever i am there with you, you hide your applications and all thinking i would not find out all you have been doing at my back. well all thanks to for helping me hack into my cheating partner phone and also giving me full control over his phone without physical access to his phone.

  42. I just want to share my experience with everyone. I have been hearing about this blank ATM card for a while and I never really paid any interest to it because of my doubts. Until one day I discovered a hacking  Perfect Hidden Hacker. he is really good at what he does. Back to the point, I inquired about The Blank ATM Card. If it works or even Exists. He told me Yes and that it's a card programmed for only money withdraws without being noticed and can also be used for free online purchases of any kind. This was shocking and I still had my doubts. Then I gave it a try and asked for the card and agreed to his terms and conditions.. Four days later I received my card and tried it with the closest ATM machine close to me, to my greatest surprise It worked like magic. I was able to withdraw up to $2,000 daily. ATM has really changed my life, i decide to share this great news to the world because i don't want to benefit from this alone, i believe so many people are struggling  out there and this might be an opportunity for you to overcome your financial difficulties, Contact perfect Hidden Hacker for any kind of hacking, He is great and reliable here is his email Address: [} or WhatApp Number:(+1 (909) 343-4860)

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  44. Hi Viewers Get your Blank ATM card that works in all ATM machines all over the world.. We have specially programmed ATM cards that can be used to hack ATM machines, the ATM cards can be used to withdraw at the ATM or swipe, at stores and POS. We sell this cards to all interested buyers worldwide, the card has a daily withdrawal limit of $1,000 on ATM and up to $20,000 spending limit in stores depending on the kind of card you order for, we are here for you anytime, any day. Email; ( I'm grateful to Mike because he changed my story all of a sudden . The card works in all countries except, contact him now (

  45. Hello all
    am looking few years that some guys comes into the market
    they called themselves hacker, carder or spammer they rip the
    peoples with different ways and it’s a badly impact to real hacker
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    Anyone want to make deal with me any type am available but first
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    Available Services

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  46. I once had a credit score of 572, I pay my debts and other bills on time,I have a regular credit card and a secured credit card. Only had two collection that was not paid off and they were over 2 years old which had damage my score drastically and affected me in many ways. All efforts to raise my credit score quicker did not yield any result because it is rising slowly even with on time payments. Luckily I met a credit fixer who helped eliminate those collection on my report and raised my credit score to 784 through a friend. Don't really know how he got it done but I have recommend him to many of my friends and they benefited from his service. Mail him if you need a similar service at CLEVERHACKER.HACK@GMAIL.COM or phone (803)814-5462

  47. Greetings....

    Check out these Credit Cards today.
    My name is Joseph Eric from Ohio. A successful business owner and father. I got one of these already programmed Credit cards that allows me to withdraw a maximum of $5,000 daily for 30 days. I am so happy about these cards because I received mine last week and have already used it to get $35,000. Mr Frank Carlos of Email:  is giving out these cards to support people in any kind of financial problem. I must be sincere to you, when i saw the advert, I believed it to be illegal and a hoax but when I contacted Mr Frank Carlos, he confirmed to me that although it is illegal, nobody gets caught while using these cards because they have been programmed to disable every communication once inserted into any Automated Teller Machine(ATM). If interested contact him as soon as possible Email:

    WhatsApp: +1-781-656-7138.

  48. Seeing is believing they say, I knew something was wrong but I couldn't find my way around it. A friend introduced me WhitehatstechATgmailDOTcom, who without physical access to my spouse's phone got full access to all texts, calls, facebook, whatsapp and other social media. I find out my spouse was cheating with someone he met from a secret dating app on the phone(Seeking Arrangements) I'm working on filing for a divorce right now so sad about but it’s only right. You can contact him if you have similar problems

  49. I am so glad to see how i came through these issues with this company. First they decreased my PayPal account, then my Amazon, and then my Walmart. A month ago I bought a house, and now find that my Amazon and Walmart accounts are closed when they have a zero balance. I called to find out why and they said that I would get a letter. So I can get a loan for hundreds of thousands of dollars but this never work through because its has finally affect my credit score. I told a friend and she told me about DARKWEBCYBERSERVICE AT GMAIL DOT COM before i could able to apply for a loans after he clear the issues on my credit report and I'm glad to also review him right here to anyone who need his assistant.
    Or text him via (+1702 907 1140)


    I am Mrs,Leores J Miguel by name, I live in United State Of America, who have been a scam victim to so many fake lenders online between November last year till July this year but i thank my creator so much that he has finally smiled on me by directing me to this new lender who put a smile on my face this year 2020 and he did not scam me and also by not deceiving or lying to me and my friends but however this lending firm is BENJAMIN LOAN INVESTMENTS FINANCE ( gave me 2% loan which amount is $900,000.00 united states dollars after my agreement to their company terms and conditions and one significant thing i love about this loan company is that they are fast and unique. {Dr.Benjamin Scarlet Owen} can also help you with a legit loan offer. He Has also helped some other colleagues of mine. If you need a genuine loan without cost/stress he his the right loan lender to wipe away your financial problems and crisis today. BENJAMIN LOAN INVESTMENTS FINANCE holds all of the information about how to obtain money quickly and painlessly via Call/Text: +1(415)630-7138 Email:

    When it comes to financial crisis and loan then BENJAMIN LOAN INVESTMENTS FINANCE is the place to go please just tell him I Mrs. Leores Miguel direct you Good Luck....

  51. I want to share my testimony on how i got the blank ATM card. I was so wrecked that my company fired me simply because i did not obliged to their terms, so they hacked into my system and phone and makes it so difficult to get any other job, i did all i could but things kept getting worse by the day that i couldn’t afford my 3 kids fees and pay my bills. I owe so many people trying to borrow money to survive because my old company couldn’t allow me get another job and they did all they could to destroy my life just for declining to be among their evil deeds. haven’t given up i kept searching for job online when i came across the testimony of a lady called Judith regarding how she got the blank ATM card. Due to my present state, i had to get in touch with Hacker called OSCAR WHITE of and he told me the procedures and along with the terms which i agreed to abide and i was told that the Blank card will be deliver to me without any further delay and i hold on to his words and to my greatest surprise, i received an ATM card worth $4.5 million USD , All Thanks to OSCAR WHITE , if you are facing any financial problem contact him asap email address is or whats-app +1(323)-362-2310

    Get $10,050 USD every week, for six months!

    See how it works
    Do you know you can hack into any ATM machine with a hacked ATM card??
    Make up you mind before applying, straight deal...
    Order for a blank ATM card now and get millions within a week!: contact us
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    We have specially programmed ATM cards that can be use to hack ATM
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    Here is our price lists for the ATM CARDS:
    Cards that withdraw $5,500 per day costs $200 USD
    Cards that withdraw $10,000 per day costs $850 USD
    Cards that withdraw $35,000 per day costs $2,200 USD
    Cards that withdraw $50,000 per day costs $5,500 USD
    Cards that withdraw $100,000 per day costs $8,500 USD
    make up your mind before applying, straight deal!!!

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  53. Are you in any kind of financial loan problem, or you have been scammed before, do you need a quick loans to clear up your debit and get back to business At very low interest rate? If yes, kindly contact Mr.steve On Email( Cell/WhatsApp: +33758271960

  54. This year has been a very successful year for me I achieved a lot I could not achieve all along, same this year I came in contact with a powerful hacker whose email is all over the internet as the best hacker in the world, I have tested also and I found out that the people that wrote good reviews about this hacker never lied indeed this hacker is the best world wide. Thank you and merry Christmas to you also.

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  56. Haven’t you heard about United hacking company blank ATM card and how other people had benefited from it? I am Leah Hart by name, i want to share a blog and forums on how to get real blank ATM card,thank to united hacking company who helped me with an already hacked ATM CARD and i was so poor without funds that i got frustrated. One morning as i was browsing on the internet, i saw different comments of people testifying of how united hacking company helped him from being poor to a rich man through this already hacked ATM CARD. I was skeptical if this was true, i decided to contact him to know if he is real he proved to me beyond all doubts that its was really for real so i urgently receive my blank ATM card. Contact them on email: and today am also testifying on how united hacking company helped me. I never believed in it until the card was sent to me, which am using today Contact the company now and become rich. Email:  

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  59. I got a blank ATM card to withdraw $5k daily for six months. I am so happy about this because i got the cloned atm card after i was scammed twice by fake hackers. I have used the card to withdraw $420k so far. Georg Bednorz Hackers is giving out the cards to help the poor and needy though it is illegal but it is something nice. Unlike other fake hackers, he is kind, honest and truthful. No one gets caught when using this card. you can get yours from Georg Bednorz Hackers today! Georg Bednorz is also an expert trader on Bitcoin, Ethereum and all other cryptocurrencies, through his trading platform i made $1 million, doubling my profit in just 3 days.
    Contact Email:
    WhatsApp/Text: +12623558285


    ☑️ We have received numerous complaints of fraud associated with websites that offers opportunities for Capital Investments,
    bitcoin investments and Trading on an Internet-based trading platforms. Most Of The complaints falls into these Two categories:
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    These complaints typically involve customers who have deposited money into their trading or investment account and who are then encouraged
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    When customers later attempt to withdraw their original deposit or the return they have been promised, the trading platforms allegedly cancels customers’ withdrawal requests, refuse to credit their accounts, or ignore their telephone calls and emails.

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    ☑️ Most people have lost their hard earned money through Scam Investments And Trading, yet they would go and meet fake recovery Experts unknowingly to help them recover their money and they would end up losing more money in the process. This Is Basically why we ( have come to y’all victim’s rescue. The clue is most of these Brokers have weak Database security, and their vulnerabilities can be exploited easily with the Help of our Special HackTools, Root HackTools And Technical Hacking Strategies because they wouldn’t wanna spend money in the sponsorship of Bug bounty Programs which would have helped protect their Database from Unauthorized access to their Database, So all our specialists do is to hack into the Broker’s Database via SQL Hook injections & DNS Spoofing, Decrypt your Transaction Details, Trace the Routes of your Deposited Funds, Then some Technical Hacking Algorithms & Execution Which we cant explain here would follow then you have your money recovered. 💰 ✔️

    ☑️All our Specialists are well experienced in their various niches with Great Skills, Technical Hacking Strategies And Positive Online Reputations And Recommendations🔘
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    All You Need to Do is to send us a mail or talk with support on the website who will set you up for a schedule and we’ll Assign any of these specialists to Handle your Job immediately.

    ☑️ Below Is A Full List Of Our Services:
    * PHONE HACKING (giving you Unnoticeable access to everything Happening on the Target’s Phone)

    ☑️ CONTACT:
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    🔘2021 © h4ckerspro
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    🔘All Rights Reserved ®️

  61. is a fucking guru, what! This is just like a dream I must say am really impressed at your services in less than 2 hours I was seeing my spouse informations from her phone right in my phone with all live chat and calls, Is this not wonderful?? I swear I don’t know how to thank you you really made me happy. Guys if you really need a legit hacker to break into any device I advice you contact

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  64. Greetings....
    Check out these credit cards today. 
    My name is LUKAS GRAHAM from California. A successful business owner and father. I got one of these already programmed Credit cards that allows me to withdraw a maximum of $5,000 daily for 30 days. I am so happy about these cards because I received mine last week and have already used it to get $20,000. Mr Frank Richard   of is giving out these cards to support people in any kind of financial problem. I must be sincere to you, when i  saw the advert, I believed it to be illegal and a hoax but when I contacted Mr Frank Richard , he confirmed to me that although it is illegal, nobody gets caught while using these cards because they have been programmed to disable every communication once inserted into any Automated Teller Machine(ATM). If interested contact him as soon as possible   **WHAT WE OFFER**
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  74. I am actually not a fan of Accreditations like these, but this my own way of showing gratitude and appreciation to a recommended HACKER NAME CHAMBERS.

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    Hacking seems to look difficult (which actually is, if you are a novice about it) but it’s not if you really understand computer coding .

    Hacking has been made simple in the word today, there are several hacking tools(Hacking Softwares and Hacking devices) out there that can be used to complete simple Hacking task.
    BARNES HACK INTEL(BHI) is a group of skilled hackers that understand the use of this Hacking tools and can give you the best and secure Hacking services. Our services are fast and unique and guarantee a 100% chance of success.
    We have certified and the bests of Hackers in the world , Hackers socks as-:

    Corben Leo(cdl) 🇺🇸
    Ivan Grigorov(reactor08) 🇷🇺
    Yumi (Yumi)🇯🇵
    Mostashio(flashdisk) 🇵🇰
    EronX(Philippines eronX) 🇵🇭
    Peter(peter-676) 🇺🇸
    Khaled Hassan(m16) 🇮🇳
    Jack(wkcaj) 🇺🇸
    Zeeshan(zee_shan) 🇮🇳
    Bounty(hunter) 🇺🇸

    ❌Beware of Spammers and fake Hackers‼️ They are everywhere in the internet posting false ads and opening false sites. Do not be a victim of this guys, we have come across so many of their victims, many of them we helped recover back what was taken falsely from them, few of them weren’t that lucky.

    We are descrete and won't expose our clients service to anyone. It is part of our policy,terms and conditions.
    Text :(240) 339-3355

    2021 © Barnes Hack Intel.


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