How to hide any file inside a picture | No Binder Needed.

This tutorial can be used for any type of file including mp3,wmv,.rar,etc

[Image: hide-imp-files.gif]
Here is how it goes:

1. Open C: Drive and make a folder in it e.g. “hacks”. Put both the files i.e. the file that you want to hide and the image inside which you want to hide the file into this folder

[Image: hide-imp-files-1.gif]

2. Select both the files and make a compressed RAR archive e.g. “secret.rar” out of them

[Image: hide-imp-files-2.gif]

3. Open Run and type in “cmd” to open the Command Prompt. Now type “cd..” and press enter and repeat this once again. Type “cd sizlopedia” to open the folder (where “hacks” is the folder that I am using in this tutorial)

[Image: hide-imp-files-3.gif]

4. Type the command “copy /b maria.jpg + secret.rar safe.jpg” and press enter

[Image: hide-imp-files-4.gif]

5. The new picture safe.jpg is now the nested Picture file which has the hidden file saved inside it. Change its extension from .jpg to .rar anytime to access or extract the hidden file

[Image: hide-imp-files-41.gif]
Definitely cool and amazing trick.



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